music #1 -my 3 favorite vinyls

img_1664I am not a huge musician, but I love listening to music a lot. For me it feels weird not to have a tune playing while I am doing something. A couple years back I always posted music recommendations on this blog, some of you might remember if you’ve been around for a while. Music for me is one of the most intense feelings and I really connect to tracks. Sometimes  I wish my whole life would have a soundtrack always playing in the background, in all life situations, but only I could hear it. This is not always going to be about vinyls, because my collection isn’t big enough yet, but I thought I would kick this “new” category off with three of my all time favorite records. Also because I got a new analog camera and was in the mood to take some pictures, haha. xxvinyl3vinyl1vinyl2


  1. Nice photos! What camera are you using?

  2. thank you ! these were taken with a Leica minilux!

  3. sehr schöner blog und machst du mal wieder youtubevideos vllt ein lookbook ? :)

  4. mehr davon ! ich war und bin immer noch grosser Fan von deinem Musikgeschmack ;)

  5. I love your blog!! Que camara has usado? Thanks

  6. Hey! Wie heißen deine Electro Bands die du gern hörst zB in deinen Insta Storys?

    1. Werde ich auch bald eine Playlist zu veröffentlichen :)

  7. die handgeschriebenen zettel <3

  8. Hey Liebes, ich bin gerade durch Zufall auf deinen Blog gestoßen und habe mich sofort verliebt :)
    Gerne mehr solcher Posts <3

    Mina von
    No Snapchat, no caviar

  9. I’m in love with you and your pictures! They are so amazing, and you are sooo beautiful

    + could you tell me please which effect/filter do you use to edit your pics?

  10. Ugh yes. I love Banks!


  11. Lovley blog post!!!
    Where is your pretty record player from? :-)

  12. What is the name of your new camera?


  13. wo kaufst du deine platten so? in welchem plattenladen?

  14. I love your pics! You have such a unique – and beautiful – style.
    I see you do a lot of photography yourself, but I was wondering who takes the pics of you? Would love to follow more of her/his work :)

    cheers from Brazil,

  15. Loved the idea of actually writing down your thoughts about the albums on paper! And of course your photography is on point like always. xx

  16. Toller Beitrag! Bin total verliebt in die Bilder – und dein Musikgeschmack ist famos! Freue mich auf mehr davon!
    xx tori

  17. Hi wollte fragen woher du denn deinen Plattenspieler hast?

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